When you apply for a job, you should show up to work.

That is what millions of Albertans do every single day… unless you are a member of the UCP.

Red Deer-South MLA-Elect Jason Stephan campaigned in the election saying he wanted to represent Albertans, but after the election, instead of swearing the oath necessary to start work… he left on a personal vacation. He doesn’t want to start work until October.

As it turns out, Jason Stephan believes constituents in Red Deer-South don’t need a representative right now, even though the community is facing serious issues, including an affordability crisis that is hammering families with higher prices, and a health care crisis that has left thousands without a family doctor, and —after years of UCP delays — no hospital expansion in a growing city with more than 100,000 people.

While the concerns of the people of Red Deer go unaddressed by this UCP government, Jason Stephan believes you should wait on him until October.

In fact, right now, even though he’s not doing his job… you’re still paying him for it.

If you think that our community needs an MLA interested in doing the job he was elected to do, sign this petition so that we can get Red Deer the representation it deserves.

And if you think that elected officials should have to work to earn their salaries, let Jason Stephan know by contacting him at:

Jason.Stephan@assembly.ab.ca RedDeer.South@assembly.ab.ca

Or give his office a call at 403-340-3565, and ask when they might expect an MLA interested in serving them.

Sign our petition to have your say and demand better.